KIST Markup Quick Reference

KIST Markup by Richard Rathe, v0.17, March 2024

KIST Combines the best elements of various plain text markup languages

Line Level Elements

Adjoining lines of text will be become a single paragraph.

# first on a line indicates a heading, ## a subheading, etc.

= first indicates pre-formatted text.

> first indicates a block quotation.

--- first indicates a horizontal line.

^ first indicates an inline image.


<tab> first indicates a list, <tab><tab> a sublist, etc.

<tab> first followed by # indicates a numbered list.


a b c
1 2 3
4 5 6

Text Elements (Cannot Span Lines!)


^Text(Link) format
 Link to ^Weather Report(

Valid local file extensions are: html htm txt text pdf

 Link to ^Local File(kist-quickref.txt) in the same directory.

Link to a Local File in the same directory.


^Alt Text(Image) format
^Yellow Flower(kist_images/picture2.jpg)
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

Valid image file extensions are: jpg jpeg gif png


Star characters *add emphasis*.

Star characters add emphasis.

Double quotes indicate "quotation". (duh!)

Double quotes indicate quotation. (duh!)

Curly Brackets will {highlight} a passage.

Curly Brackets will highlight a passage.

Hyphens will -strikethrough- a passage.

Hyphens will strikethrough a passage.

Consult the full documentation for additional features…

External Links

This is a slide!